Apparently, you got into the New Year with loads of expectations and a truckload of positive vibes about the remarkable things you want to achieve this year. You made all the positive confessions and joined numerous support groups to facilitate your goals. You probably bragged about how you are moving to the next level but as at now, it is not looking like next level will happen.
Perhaps your expectation is to have gone on a luxury vacation that is tied to meeting your sales target, a promotion or a job with better conditions or yours is to have found a life partner, moved into a more comfortable apartment, relocated to another country, bought your house, passed a professional exam, consistently created content this last 6 months and you know how much progress you have made as of now.
Without prejudice to your faith, if you conduct a sincere self appraisal based on your goals for the year, you may discover one of three things in the different facets: failure, average or excellent performance.
The 2nd half presents you an opportunity to turn failure and average performance while you consolidate on the areas you recorded excellent performance if you leverage the following hacks:
10 Insights On How To Record A Better Half Year
This is a question that many people struggle with, as failure can be a very demoralising experience. However, by following some simple steps, you can subdue failure and use it to your advantage.
1. Acknowledge And Accept Your Success
Rather than begin by being too hard on yourself, acknowledge what you did right and the wins you recorded; no matter how little they may be. This gives you positive energy and a mindset of abundance in your quest to get better. Often, we crowd our minds with what we could have or should have done that we lose count of the great things we have done.
2. Acknowledge And Accept Your Failure
While it is important to acknowledge and accept your success, it is equally important to acknowledge and accept your failure. Please don’t gloss over it. Avoid covering up failure with positive confession, humor or outright denial. Failure doesn’t mean you are incapable of success; it only means there is room for improvement. The first step to improvement is understanding what needs to be done better.
3. Analyse The Cause Of Your Failure
This is a key factor. You need to understand why you failed to learn from your mistake. Maybe you tried to do something that was beyond your abilities, or maybe you did not take the time to plan correctly. Whatever the reason, understanding the cause of your failure is essential for avoiding a repeat.
4. Take Responsibility For Your Average Result
This means that you should neither be complacent or play the blame game as your explanation for your unacceptable average performance. It is up to you to correct the slip-up that led to your current status. So take ownership and learn from your experience.
5. Do Not Dwell On Your Failure
Failures are a natural part of life. They are what make us stronger and help us learn, too. Dwelling on your failures will not do anything to help you improve. Instead, pay attention to the lessons and move on.
6. Learn From Your Success and Failures
Success leaves clues and failure is an inevitable part of life. They are an opportunity to learn and become better. Every time you succeed or fail, you learn something new that can help you on your quest to greatness. One of the most essential things to learn from your failures is how to pick yourself up again.
Sir Winston Churchill said success is not final; failure is not fatal. Just because it worked before does not mean it will always work. You seek more ways of recording success. Just because you recorded a loss once doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail forever. You can always surmount it and reach success if you keep trying.
So don’t be afraid to fail. It’s a natural part of the learning process. And it can help make you a better person and a more successful entrepreneur.
7. Reach Beyond The Limitation of Comparison
Comparison stems from competition and it kills our possibilities because often we use another person’s results to appraise ours despite inherent differential capacity. We all do it. We compare ourselves to others, whether we admit it or not. It can be tough not to feel a little inferior when we see someone who seems to have it all together. They have the perfect job, the perfect relationship, the perfect body – and we can’t help but wonder how they do it. But here’s the thing: you are not them. You are you. And that is a good thing.
It’s vital to remember that everyone has their own unique set of talents and strengths. Just because someone else seems to have it all together, doesn’t mean that you can’t too. You may have some things that they don’t have and vice versa. So don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on being the best version of yourself possible and celebrate your uniqueness. You are amazing just the way you are!