How To Be A Highflyer As A Mom and Wife

By ThePeakPerformer.Africa
May 17, 2023
6:30 am
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Being a successful career mom and wife in the 21st century is a feat many women, both young and old, have come to view as difficult, if not unattainable. 

The majority of these women believe that to climb up the career ladder, they have to sacrifice their families on the altar of work. And others think that they have to sacrifice their career dreams and goals on the altar of family to succeed as wives and mothers.

Sadly, these beliefs are not so far from reality in some cases, particularly for ladies whose spouses believe that it’s a man’s world. 

These men do not give their wives the full support they need to succeed.

Thankfully, there are countless career-driven moms and wives who, by their success at work and in the family, have shown that it is possible to successfully juggle work and family responsibilities, without one unduly suffering for the other. 

By learning from the lifestyle and guiding principles of these inspiring women, you too can be successful as you wear the different functional caps of a career mom and wife. 

With that being said, here are five top tips that should guide your journey to becoming a fulfilled working mother and wife. 

5 tips for the successful career mom and wife

1. Prioritize and remember that time is money.

For the woman who desires to wear the hats of a professional, a wife, a mother, a friend, an acquaintance, and a good daughter, 24 hours may seem too little to accomplish all that needs to be done. But this is where good time management skills and the ability to prioritize come in.

Prioritizing and timing activities ahead of time helps to structure and organize your day. It helps you avoid statements like “Oh, I forgot to do this or that.” You are able to stay organized and focused on the important tasks.

So, if for instance, you are supposed to pick up the kids from school, prepare dinner for your husband, organize a presentation, and anchor a meeting at the office, writing down all your tasks according to their importance and time sensitivity will prevent you from being overwhelmed. It will also keep you focused on completing necessary tasks one after another. By so doing, you can manage your time well and avoid frivolous activities. 

Thanks to technology, apps like Evernote and Google Calendar are effective tools you can use to prioritize and set reminders for your daily tasks.

2. Marry right.

If you are reading this and you are yet to be married, then you still have the opportunity to choose a spouse that will fully support your goals and ambitions and not be a stumbling block to your career success. 

You have the chance to choose wisely and settle with a spouse who will encourage you when you are doubting your capabilities. 

You can have a partner who will be willing to change diapers, cook dinner, do laundry, and help with other household chores in order to lighten your load.

To do this, you can’t let your feelings and infatuations get the best of you when you’re dating. You need to go beyond surface questions and discuss your future partner’s views on marrying a career-driven woman or having a wife who is passionate about her business.

The answers or responses he provides will allow you to determine whether he will undermine your career ambitions and goals or fully support you.

Note that a woman passionate about building her career needs all the support she can get, but the core of this support starts at home.

3. Do not be ashamed to ask for help

The notion many people have of the career-driven woman is that she is a woman who is totally independent of others, a woman who can do it all by herself without anyone’s help.

But this could not be farther from the truth. No man is an island, and we can only survive with the help of others. 

If you want to thrive career-wise and family-wise, you need others. You need a team of people you can turn to for help—a circle of people who are willing to step in for you at the speed of light because they believe in and support your ambition. Such people could be your partner, friend, neighbor, or even kids. 

Remember, asking for help does not make you weak or incompetent. Rather, it shows you are mentally strong because you understand your strengths and weaknesses and trust in the capacity and advice of those around you. [Tweet that]

4. Set boundaries and learn to say “NO”

The truth is, 24 hours is all you have in a day, and how you use every minute is vital as a career-driven mom and wife.

This means that you need to be able to prioritize (check the first tip), set boundaries, and say a big “NO” when necessary. 

Many people avoid saying “no” or setting boundaries because they do not want to hurt or offend others. But the truth is, people will be more hurt and offended if you are unable to deliver on a promise than if you had declined the offer at the beginning. 

If an activity will not add value to you or will still run smoothly without you, then maybe your presence is not needed. In such cases, do not be afraid to say “no” politely.

More so, you have to always remember that no one is indispensable. Without you, things will still run. 

With this in mind, you can set clear boundaries between your home time and work time. You will be able to focus on your children and spouse when necessary and on your work when necessary, without one encroaching on the other.

5. Invest in your kids. 

Investing in your children means providing all they need, according to your financial strength. This includes giving them the best of everything they need to grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually. 

This could mean employing the best nannies to babysit them, enrolling them in the best schools, or providing them with the best teachers.

As a career-driven woman, the fact is that you may not always be around to monitor how well your kids are growing, what their challenges are, or how intellectually sound they are. 

However, by investing in them as much as is within your capacity, you can rest assured that your children are in good hands and will not suffer because mom is not around. 

However, this does not mean you should focus only on providing your kids with the best things your money can buy, while you outsource all parts of their growth years because you are always busy at work. It is equally important to personally bond with your kids and be a major part of their growing-up years. 

Bonus tip

Finally, learn to enjoy regular me-time

Do you find yourself treating your body poorly in a bid to meet the demands of your career and family? 

Dear lady, take it easy. It’s important to take care of your body too.

If your body breaks down, how will you run your job or manage your family properly?

Therefore, it is vital to always take care of yourself, eat well, and get ample rest, because you are very important to yourself.

